Yu Gi Oh Duelist Of The Roses Graveyard Slots
- Yu Gi Oh Duelist Of The Roses Graveyard Slots Online
- Yu Gi Oh Duelist Of The Roses Graveyard Slots Free Play
- Yu Gi Oh Duelist Of The Roses Graveyard Slots Game
- Yu-Gi-Oh! - Wikipedia
- Apr 14, 2017 Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Of The Roses Intro PS2 - Duration: 1:55. Eddy2302 179,727 views. Yu-Gi-Oh Duelists of the Roses - ALL Graveyard Slot Rares (3 in a row) - Duration: 5:29.
- (for non-custom duels) When you duel, cards will go to your opponents graveyard. If you win, you get to try and get the cards for yourself (not taking them from the duelist you get your own).
- Slot Three of a Kind After winning each duel, you'll have a chance to nab 3 cards from your opponent's graveyard. Score 3 of a kind to get an extra special card or you may be able to win them from.
Yu Gi Oh Duelist Of The Roses Graveyard Slots Online
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Note: This game is also titled Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters2.
Nightmare Troubadour
Duelists of the Roses » Queen of Autumn Leaves Tricky Graveyard Slot. So kill him and the graveyard slots will show up only Queen of Autumn Leaves cards. Using a SD rank leader. First, get a monster as your deck leader. Complete both sides of the game and have a PlayStation memory card with Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories data in slot two and a PlayStation2 memory card with Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists Of Roses data in slot one. You should be going again Exodia. Get three of the same monster as your deck leader to the field.
Card passwords:
Information in this section was contributed by SniperJhull7and Eric McBride. Hint: Starter decks:Depending on the name used at the start of the game,you will get a different type of starter deck. Try names suchas Konami, Rod, or Puzzle. Information in this section was contributed by MariksBrother. Enter the names Kaiba or Scale and choose the monsterwith highest number (on the left) to get a Kaiser Dragon (2300/2000). Look on the back of PlayStation2 game cases. Look carefully tofind sponsor names. Use those names as your name to get differentcards. Not all names will work. Also, use the names of consolessuch as Nintendo. Leave out the numbers. When starting the game, enter Katsuya as a name and chooseFairy King Truesdale as your deck leader. Your deck will be packedwith insect and plant monsters such as two Hercules Beetles, aKwagar Hercules, a Needle Worm, and a Great Mammoth Of Goldfine.Side with the Lancastrians (Red Rose) and duel Weevil at Chester.There is a good chance that you will win. Enter Flame as a name. This should show one of the starterdecks with the deck leader Robotic Knight. Select this deck. Thisdecks is powerful because it is full of machines, includes Wasteland(powers up all machines and allows them to move two spaces), andthe machines will never have an attack lower than 1500. Information in this section was contributed by Drake_skull23.
Successfully complete both the White Rose story andRed Rose story to unlock map edit mode in custom battle. Information in this section was contributed by fearresistance66. Duel Deck Master I: Duel Deck Master T: Duel Master S: Fusions: 7 Colored Fish = Fairy + Fish Hint: Slot rares:
Copy Cat, Mimicat, and Monster Reborn allow you tomanipulate the content of your opponent's Graveyard and help narrowdown it down for the Graveyard Slots (revived cards go to thereviver's Graveyard when destroyed). Paralyzing Potion is anothereffective way to get monsters out of the way without sending themto the Graveyard, thus improving your odds in the Graveyard Slots. Information in this section was contributed by MizuKazeAme. This trick can only be used when there is only one monster inthe Graveyard possible of getting, as when you use the 'EditMap' trick. When using the slot machine, you can see thearrows on the side. As you can see, they are usually blinking.When they disappear, the card is on the other side of the slot.You can use this to your advantage. Place the needed card in your deck and destroy it in a custombattle (for example, Komori Dragon for the Blue-Eyes White Dragonor Dark Magician for the Dark Magician Girl). It may be helpfulto place more than one card in the deck for higher chances ofgetting the desired card. Note: This trick requires a monster with the Hidden Find ability.This will only work with magic cards. It is recommended you trythis after you have completed both sides. First, get a monster(such as Pumpking) ranked high enough to where it gains the HiddenFind ability. Then, play against Shadi and move your deck leaderto the exact center square. A screen will appear, stating thatyou have found the hidden treasure, Souleater. Finish the duel,or if you are in a hurry, surrender. Go to 'Custom Duel'.Next, put Souleater in your deck, and three of any magic card(such as Silver Bow And Arrow, Beast Fangs, etc.). Start a custombattle, and go through the deck until you come across Souleater.Place it in face-up defense. This will activate its special skill.Next, play any high level monster onto the field and have it attackyour opponent's defense position monsters. Wipe them off the field.Make sure you do not attack any offensive monsters or the deckleader until the opponent has played the three magic cards fromhis deck and gotten them into his graveyard. Once the three magiccards are in his graveyard, go after the deck leader and wipeout its LP to win the duel. When you now go into the GraveyardSlots, there will just be the three magic cards in it. This isalso useful in getting more immortal monsters and possibly evensome unique rares. Build a deck with rare cards that do not appear in slots suchas Exodia pieces, Barrel Dragons, etc. Also, some magic and trapcards do not appear in the slots. Next, put in as many of thecard that you want to try to get three in a row in the deck, suchas Swordstalker, Piercing Light, Red Eyes Black Dragon, etc. Then,go to custom duel and duel yourself. All that should be in theslots are the three non-rare cards. Try using Swordstalker asthe leader, Brigidier, because he has three chances and have threeof him in the slots. You will get about four to five trap cardsand four Swordstalkers in the slots. Get Souleater. Mass combo cards until you draw it, then use itsability to rid the graveyard of all but the card you want in theslots. Be sure to put three of the magic card in your deck. Bepatient with it, but in the long run, it is well worth the time. Hint: New card picture: Hint: Ritual monsters: Hint: Baby Dragon: Reincarnation: Hint: Barrel Dragon: Reincarnation: Hint: Black Luster Ritual: Hint: Blue Eyes or a Dark Magician Girl: Battle at that terrain. When you begin, press Start. Whenit is your opponent's turn, he will surrender. When you get tothe Graveyard Slot part, get three Dark Magicians or three RedEyes to get the Magician Girl or the Blue Eyes. You can also usethis terrain to get your deck leader a promotion. Hint: Change Of Heart: Reincarnation: Hint: Cyber Commander: Reincarnation: Hint: Dark Magician: Hidden ability: Hint: Dark Magician: Reincarnation: Hint: Exodia: Summoning: To obtain all of the pieces, you must use passwords, reincarnations,and line up slot rares. To get the Head and Left Arm, use thepasswords. To get the Left and Right Legs, reincarnate. The bestcards to reincarnate are those around a deck cost of 20. To getthe final piece, the Right Arm, you must line up three cards inthe slots. The best cards to line up are Cocoons of Evolution,which appear when you duel Weevil. Hint: Fake Trap: Reincarnation: Hint: Flame Swordsman: Reincarnation: Hint: Magic Drain: Reincarnation: Sanga Of The Thunder (common) Hint: Manga-Ryu Ran: Reincarnation: Hint: Millennium: Hint: Millennium Shield: Strong attack: Hint: Mirror Wall: Hint: Mystical Elf: Hidden ability: Hint: Paralyzing Potion: Reincarnation: Hint: Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth: Obtainquickly: Hint: Pumpking: Effect on all your monsters: Hint: Red-Eyes Black Dragon: Hint: Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon: Hint: Robotic Knight: Extra Graveyard slotchance: Hint: Royal Decree: Reincarnation: Hint: Steel Scorpion: Reincarnation: Hint: Steel Scorpion: Deck leader: Hint: Swordstalker: Stronger attack: If you have mainly a monster deck with three Swordstalkers, thistrick will be very useful. Start by repeatedly trying to combineall of your monsters except for your Swordstalkers. Then, tryto send out your Swordstalkers. It will have a power of a 6300/5900or more. Try making multiple fusions with one card and destroythe card. For example, Zombie + Warrior = Skull knight + Hardarmor = Armored Zombie. You will have four cards gone insteadof three. Do not forget to destroy your last card with your ownleader. Try to gain a card called Darkness Falls. It is a magic card thatlets you flip all cards face down. Next, go to custom battle andmake your CPU opponent play it or use it. Get it multiple timesin the card slots, then get a Swordstalker (or two or three) inyour deck. Put the Swordstalker on the field and discard all ofyour monster cards (not Swordstalker) and magic/trap cards (notDarkness Falls). Flip your Swordstalker to make its attack become6,000. Use Darkness Falls to flip it face down then flip it upagain so that its attack is now at 10,000. Flip it over againface down with Darkness Falls and flip it face up to make it havean outstanding attack power of 14,000, which is enough to killthree Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragons together (13,500) Finally, useyour last Darkness Falls to flip it down again. Flip it up tomake the monster have 18,000 attack points. Also, use Copycatand The Magician Of Faith to increase it even more by recoveringmore Darkness Falls to make the ultimate monster. In the end ofall the recovery of cards and power increases, Swordstalker willhave a total of 36,000 ATK and 32,000 DEF. Note: Note a monster cannot exceed an Attack or Defense valueabove 9999. Hint: Swordstalker: Extra Graveyard SlotChance: Hint: Suijin: Reincarnation: Hint: Zoa and Metalzoa: You can also get Zoa and Metalzoa from Bandit Keith, but it mayrequire a few attempts as he does not play it frequently. Hint: Hidden card: To be able to find and get the hidden cards on the field duringa duel, your deck leader must be ranked as a Major (one star andone yellow line) or better. You must also have a deck cost thatis lower than 1000. Hint: Hidden card locations: The Field layout is as follows: A The following are the locations and cards acquired: Mai-E7: Dust Tornado Many of the monsters are Immortal Type (strong in crush territory)and very powerful in terms of their effects (Souleater is great).Most of the magic cards are those that destroy all monsters ofa specific type (usually the type primarily used by the opponentyou get the card against, for example, Cold Wave, obtained againstRex Raptor, kills all dinosaur type monsters). Hint: Gain doubles of your cards: Use the following trick to duplicate cards and promote weak monsters.A second memory is not required. Go to vs. duel and Duel MasterK. Make the card you want to duplicate your leader, play the DuelMaster in the default crush field. Note: Make sure you have somemonsters under 1500 ATK. Do not use any field cards. Instead,Duel Master K will at the most send out one or two monsters. Destroythese and defeat him in battle. Because he has the exact samedeck as you, he will have the same deck leader. In the slots,the deck leader will be there. Get the monster you want in theslots. The battle is easy. The longer the battle the better, asthis helps promote weak monsters. Hint: Get any card: Hint: Getting good or rare cards: Hint: Promote cards: Once you draw the card you want, move it in front of your opponent'sdeck leader and attack until you win. Keep repeating and you willeventually get it promoted. Also, move other cards around on thefield face up (not in crush) and you might get them promoted aswell. Each time they get promoted, it will take longer to raisetheir rank. Hint: Getting magic or trap cards: When you play, your opponent will not move (as he is using thesame cards). He will set out magic and will not use or move them.You can take him out whenever desired by surrounding him. Hint: Easy custom duel: Your opponent will not be able to attack your Life points directly,unless you both have Shadow Ghoul. You will still be able to summonmonsters to the field. If you have a card that you cannot affordto lose, preferably Mirror Force, or a card that you want, putit to the right of the field for safety. Hint: Move two squares at a time: Hint: Unlimited flip effects: Hint: Lower opponent's monsters attackquickly: Get a Mirror Wall and put it somewhere. Then, put a magic cardthat you do not need somewhere near it so that it will attack.Once it tries to attack, Mirror Wall will activate, cut its Attackin half, and just move on the magic card. You can also use a weakmonster in defense mode. Hint: Raise your monster's rank easily: To obtain a very powerful monster you need to have a map withToon terrain (preferably close to your summoning area) and a terrainthat favors your monsters (such as Mountain if you have the Birdfacedeck). You also need a very strong monster, lots of power-up cards,and a Greenkappa. Summon your Greenkappa and move him onto theToon terrain. Then, summon a very powerful monster on its terrain(for example, Meteor B. Dragon on Mountain), and equip your equipcards to your strong monster. After that, flip up your Greenkappaon the Toon terrain. Because of its effect, it will copy the attackof the strongest monster on the field (which should be your monster).Greenkappa will copy the attack on the Toon terrain, which shouldbe about 4500. Then, move your Greenkappa off the Toon terrainand his attack will increase by 500, making it about 5000. Ifyou now move your Greenkappa onto Grassland, his attack will increaseby another 500 points, making it 5500. You can continue to strengthenit with power ups such as Konai With Chain, but only equip cardsafter you have capped your other monster's attack. Now you havean unstoppable monster. Hint: Level up your deck leaders: First, get a monster as your deck leader. Complete both sidesof the game and have a PlayStation memory card with Yu-Gi-Oh!Forbidden Memories data in slot two and a PlayStation2 memorycard with Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists Of Roses data in slot one.You should be going again Exodia. Get three of the same monsteras your deck leader to the field. Attack all cards with the selectedmonster that you want to level up. Attack the opponent's deckleader after all cards on the other side are in the graveyard.To help you against Exodia, put in Heavy Storm, Dark Hole, WhiteHole, Royal Decree, and lots of Graverobbers, Monster Reborns,and Mimicats. Get the Fairy King Truesdale Deck. Then, put in the code for FairyKing Truesdale (YF07QVEZ). Put the Fairy King Truesdalecard in your deck. It should automatically have a rank of SecondLt. Hint: Change deck sort: Hint: Easy win: Once you have completed the White Rose and Red Rose sides, savethe game and go to 'Custom Duel' at the main menu. Onlyhave one memory card in use. Go to map edit mode. Build a mapwith all your opponents summoning squares filled with labyrinth.Start a duel. End your turn at the beginning. After your opponentends his turn, you will win. If your deck leader has a high rankand an attack under 2600, he will be in the slots. Keep repeatingand eventually you will get three in a row if your timing is correctto win special cards such as Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Toon SummonedSkull, Cannon Soldier, etc. Get a Thunder monster and a Dragon monster (good cards like KaiserDragon and Thunder Dragon recommended), then combine them to getTwin-Headed Thunder Dragon (2800/2100). Then, use Bright Castleand get it on water, sea, or anything else wet and attack. Have three Pumpkings in your deck, along with a lot of strongzombies (such as the Great Mammoth Of Golfine) and crush cards.The zombies can go through the Crush zones without getting hurt,no matter how strong they are. The Pumpking will give the zombies100 attack and defense points for every Pumpking in play at thebeginning of your turn. It helps to have other cards to make morePumpkings. Have three Slate Warriors in your deck and the Crush card alongwith a few cards that can use the Crush card. The Gust Fan isalso a useful optional power-up for Slate Warrior. Place the SlateWarriors out, but wait to flip them face up until you have allthree out, if possible. Once all three are out, flip them faceup to give each one a 1500 power bonus, making them 3400 ATK andabout 1900 DEF. Along with the Gust Fan you have 3700, not tomention the Field Power bonus. If they move onto the crush terrainthat your weaker monster made with the Crush card, it makes agrand total of 4200 ATK. Even if your opponent manages to defeatone, the enemy will be destroyed by the crush terrain. Hint: Reincarnate card: Note: Getting five wins also lets you reincarnate a card. Press L3 to reincarnate. Hint: Reincarnate more than three cardsfrom one: Hint: Repeatedly reincarnate: Before reincarnating, save the game and copy it to a second memorycard. Then, go to 'Build Deck', reincarnate, then savethe game. Go to 'Trade', then select the new cards andsend them to the second memory card. Press Start on controllertwo. No cards are required to trade for the new cards. Turn offthe PlayStation2, then turn it back on and copy the game fromthe second memory card to the first memory card. You now havenew cards, plus the reincarnate ability Repeat this process toreincarnate all cards possible and never lose one. Hint: Reincarnating high deck cost cards: Hint: Duplicating cards: Select 'End' and your opponent will surrender. Then,go to the slots and line up your deck leader and you will getit. Note: This only works with certain cards. Hint: Countering Mirror Force: Hint: Defeating Fab Lyrr: Make sure you have a Green Kappa monster in your deck (or moreif possible). Fab Lyrr will most likely start off by playing Riroku(power-up that uses half of your LP to power up his monster) anda Skull Knight or something similar with over 2000 ATK. Once thatmonster is on the field, go into the crush territory with yourleader, play the Green Kappa face down until you are in strikingrange of his leader, and attack. The Green Kappa's effect willincrease his attack to over 4000 and destroy his leader in oneshot. First, make a deck with Royal Decree, Mirror Wall, Mimecat, MagicianOf Faith, Monster Reborn, Meteor Black Dragon, Slate Warrior,Infinite Dimension, Conversion Factory, Robot Knight, Cyber Commander,Barrel Dragon, Limit Remover, Green Kappa, any terrain cards,and any other desired cards. Change the terrain in the middleof the field. Then, use Slate Warrior to make the part with thelabyrinth near the opponent's deck leader to crush terrain. Ifyou see a fusion, it is most likely a Black Meteor Dragon (3500/3000).If you see a monster with a power boost of 2000 and, for exampleforce, then duel carefully; he uses Rioku (half of the opponent'sLP to boost your own monster). Put Mirror Wall in a corner soit is harder for him to reach. Also try this power combo: BarrelDragon face up (destroys a card on the field; hopefully not yours)equipped with Conversion Factory with Cyber Commander in defensemode and Robot Knight in defense mode. Then use Limit Remover.Your Barrel Dragon should be strong enough to take on a BlackMeteor Dragon. Use Infinite Dimension for protection. If you getthese cards on field or hand: Magician Of Faith, Green Kappa,Monster Reborn, Meteor Black Dragon, Mimecat, Royal Decree, thenthe duel is over. First. revive his Red Eyes Black Dragon thenfuse it with Meteor Dragon to get your own Black Meteor Dragon.Then, activate Magician Of Faith's ability a use Rioku on yourMeteor Dragon. Next, do the same with Mimecat and your Black MeteorDragon should have a total of 6500/6000. Then use Royal Decreeto cancel any of his traps. Finally, play Green Kappa face upin attack mode and it should have the same attack as your BlackMeteor Dragon (7000/6500). Hint: Defeating Jasper Dice Tudor: Set Goblin Fan down and move it to one of your corners. When heuses Just Deserts, he will destroy himself. You can also use MagicianOf Faith and Copycat after he uses Just Deserts and play it againsthim. Hint: Defeating Labyrinth Ruler: Hint: Defeating Pegasus: Hint: Defeating Weevil: Hint: Crush territory: Zombie type monsters are allowed to go through the crush territory.They do not need to have a certain attack. Monsters like the Aqua Dragon and the Roaring Ocean Snake canengage in battle in crush spaces due to their effects. When thesecards engage in battle, they transform the space into ocean terrainwhich lets them attack monsters hiding in crush spaces. This guaranteesmajor damage because the target card must be 1500 AP or lowerto hide in a crush space (with the exception of immortal types). Use the following trick to attack monsters on crush squares. Youneed an Aqua Dragon, with equips if you need it to defeat themonster. Then, go next to the crush square and attack the monster.When you do this, Aqua Dragon's effect will transform the squareinto a water square, giving you a boost and taking a crush squareaway. It also allows you to move two spaces. This trick works very well if you have a deck that is good incrush terrain. First, you will need crush card or a card thathas an effect that turns terrain into crush (Two Dark Plants,Slate Warrior, Crush Card and Magician Of Faith recommended).Then, try to make a wall of crush infected terrain so that youropponent's strong monsters cannot advance on your deck leader.Then, move your deck leader to a location in the crush area thatis surrounded on all sides so that you can get your monsters tothe enemy deck leader faster. For example, (where 'T'is any type of terrain and 'C' is crush terrain): Note: This strategy will work well if you cover almost half ofthe field with crush. Since only monsters with less than 1500ATK (exluding imortal monsters) can enter the terrain, your opponentsstrong monsters wont be able to attack and destroy your weak monstershiding in the crush terrain. Hint: Immortal monsters: Get a Great Mammoth Of Goldfine faced up spell bound. Glitch: Face-up monsters face-down: Glitch: Barrel Dragon behavior: Glitch: Misspelling: Glitch: Wrong command: |
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Note: This game is also titled Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters2.
Yu Gi Oh Duelist Of The Roses Graveyard Slots Free Play
Nightmare Troubadour
Yu Gi Oh Duelist Of The Roses Graveyard Slots Game
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Wikipedia
Card passwords:
Information in this section was contributed by SniperJhull7and Eric McBride. Hint: Starter decks:Depending on the name used at the start of the game,you will get a different type of starter deck. Try names suchas Konami, Rod, or Puzzle. Information in this section was contributed by MariksBrother. Enter the names Kaiba or Scale and choose the monsterwith highest number (on the left) to get a Kaiser Dragon (2300/2000). Look on the back of PlayStation2 game cases. Look carefully tofind sponsor names. Use those names as your name to get differentcards. Not all names will work. Also, use the names of consolessuch as Nintendo. Leave out the numbers. When starting the game, enter Katsuya as a name and chooseFairy King Truesdale as your deck leader. Your deck will be packedwith insect and plant monsters such as two Hercules Beetles, aKwagar Hercules, a Needle Worm, and a Great Mammoth Of Goldfine.Side with the Lancastrians (Red Rose) and duel Weevil at Chester.There is a good chance that you will win. Enter Flame as a name. This should show one of the starterdecks with the deck leader Robotic Knight. Select this deck. Thisdecks is powerful because it is full of machines, includes Wasteland(powers up all machines and allows them to move two spaces), andthe machines will never have an attack lower than 1500. Information in this section was contributed by Drake_skull23.
Successfully complete both the White Rose story andRed Rose story to unlock map edit mode in custom battle. Information in this section was contributed by fearresistance66. Duel Deck Master I: Duel Deck Master T: Duel Master S: Fusions: 7 Colored Fish = Fairy + Fish Hint: Slot rares:
Copy Cat, Mimicat, and Monster Reborn allow you tomanipulate the content of your opponent's Graveyard and help narrowdown it down for the Graveyard Slots (revived cards go to thereviver's Graveyard when destroyed). Paralyzing Potion is anothereffective way to get monsters out of the way without sending themto the Graveyard, thus improving your odds in the Graveyard Slots. Information in this section was contributed by MizuKazeAme. This trick can only be used when there is only one monster inthe Graveyard possible of getting, as when you use the 'EditMap' trick. When using the slot machine, you can see thearrows on the side. As you can see, they are usually blinking.When they disappear, the card is on the other side of the slot.You can use this to your advantage. Place the needed card in your deck and destroy it in a custombattle (for example, Komori Dragon for the Blue-Eyes White Dragonor Dark Magician for the Dark Magician Girl). It may be helpfulto place more than one card in the deck for higher chances ofgetting the desired card. Note: This trick requires a monster with the Hidden Find ability.This will only work with magic cards. It is recommended you trythis after you have completed both sides. First, get a monster(such as Pumpking) ranked high enough to where it gains the HiddenFind ability. Then, play against Shadi and move your deck leaderto the exact center square. A screen will appear, stating thatyou have found the hidden treasure, Souleater. Finish the duel,or if you are in a hurry, surrender. Go to 'Custom Duel'.Next, put Souleater in your deck, and three of any magic card(such as Silver Bow And Arrow, Beast Fangs, etc.). Start a custombattle, and go through the deck until you come across Souleater.Place it in face-up defense. This will activate its special skill.Next, play any high level monster onto the field and have it attackyour opponent's defense position monsters. Wipe them off the field.Make sure you do not attack any offensive monsters or the deckleader until the opponent has played the three magic cards fromhis deck and gotten them into his graveyard. Once the three magiccards are in his graveyard, go after the deck leader and wipeout its LP to win the duel. When you now go into the GraveyardSlots, there will just be the three magic cards in it. This isalso useful in getting more immortal monsters and possibly evensome unique rares. Build a deck with rare cards that do not appear in slots suchas Exodia pieces, Barrel Dragons, etc. Also, some magic and trapcards do not appear in the slots. Next, put in as many of thecard that you want to try to get three in a row in the deck, suchas Swordstalker, Piercing Light, Red Eyes Black Dragon, etc. Then,go to custom duel and duel yourself. All that should be in theslots are the three non-rare cards. Try using Swordstalker asthe leader, Brigidier, because he has three chances and have threeof him in the slots. You will get about four to five trap cardsand four Swordstalkers in the slots. Get Souleater. Mass combo cards until you draw it, then use itsability to rid the graveyard of all but the card you want in theslots. Be sure to put three of the magic card in your deck. Bepatient with it, but in the long run, it is well worth the time. Hint: New card picture: Hint: Ritual monsters: Hint: Baby Dragon: Reincarnation: Hint: Barrel Dragon: Reincarnation: Hint: Black Luster Ritual: Hint: Blue Eyes or a Dark Magician Girl: Battle at that terrain. When you begin, press Start. Whenit is your opponent's turn, he will surrender. When you get tothe Graveyard Slot part, get three Dark Magicians or three RedEyes to get the Magician Girl or the Blue Eyes. You can also usethis terrain to get your deck leader a promotion. Hint: Change Of Heart: Reincarnation: Hint: Cyber Commander: Reincarnation: Hint: Dark Magician: Hidden ability: Hint: Dark Magician: Reincarnation: Hint: Exodia: Summoning: To obtain all of the pieces, you must use passwords, reincarnations,and line up slot rares. To get the Head and Left Arm, use thepasswords. To get the Left and Right Legs, reincarnate. The bestcards to reincarnate are those around a deck cost of 20. To getthe final piece, the Right Arm, you must line up three cards inthe slots. The best cards to line up are Cocoons of Evolution,which appear when you duel Weevil. Hint: Fake Trap: Reincarnation: Hint: Flame Swordsman: Reincarnation: Hint: Magic Drain: Reincarnation: Sanga Of The Thunder (common) Hint: Manga-Ryu Ran: Reincarnation: Hint: Millennium: Hint: Millennium Shield: Strong attack: Hint: Mirror Wall: Hint: Mystical Elf: Hidden ability: Hint: Paralyzing Potion: Reincarnation: Hint: Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth: Obtainquickly: Hint: Pumpking: Effect on all your monsters: Hint: Red-Eyes Black Dragon: Hint: Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon: Hint: Robotic Knight: Extra Graveyard slotchance: Hint: Royal Decree: Reincarnation: Hint: Steel Scorpion: Reincarnation: Hint: Steel Scorpion: Deck leader: Hint: Swordstalker: Stronger attack: If you have mainly a monster deck with three Swordstalkers, thistrick will be very useful. Start by repeatedly trying to combineall of your monsters except for your Swordstalkers. Then, tryto send out your Swordstalkers. It will have a power of a 6300/5900or more. Try making multiple fusions with one card and destroythe card. For example, Zombie + Warrior = Skull knight + Hardarmor = Armored Zombie. You will have four cards gone insteadof three. Do not forget to destroy your last card with your ownleader. Try to gain a card called Darkness Falls. It is a magic card thatlets you flip all cards face down. Next, go to custom battle andmake your CPU opponent play it or use it. Get it multiple timesin the card slots, then get a Swordstalker (or two or three) inyour deck. Put the Swordstalker on the field and discard all ofyour monster cards (not Swordstalker) and magic/trap cards (notDarkness Falls). Flip your Swordstalker to make its attack become6,000. Use Darkness Falls to flip it face down then flip it upagain so that its attack is now at 10,000. Flip it over againface down with Darkness Falls and flip it face up to make it havean outstanding attack power of 14,000, which is enough to killthree Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragons together (13,500) Finally, useyour last Darkness Falls to flip it down again. Flip it up tomake the monster have 18,000 attack points. Also, use Copycatand The Magician Of Faith to increase it even more by recoveringmore Darkness Falls to make the ultimate monster. In the end ofall the recovery of cards and power increases, Swordstalker willhave a total of 36,000 ATK and 32,000 DEF. Note: Note a monster cannot exceed an Attack or Defense valueabove 9999. Hint: Swordstalker: Extra Graveyard SlotChance: Hint: Suijin: Reincarnation: Hint: Zoa and Metalzoa: You can also get Zoa and Metalzoa from Bandit Keith, but it mayrequire a few attempts as he does not play it frequently. Hint: Hidden card: To be able to find and get the hidden cards on the field duringa duel, your deck leader must be ranked as a Major (one star andone yellow line) or better. You must also have a deck cost thatis lower than 1000. Hint: Hidden card locations: The Field layout is as follows: A The following are the locations and cards acquired: Mai-E7: Dust Tornado Many of the monsters are Immortal Type (strong in crush territory)and very powerful in terms of their effects (Souleater is great).Most of the magic cards are those that destroy all monsters ofa specific type (usually the type primarily used by the opponentyou get the card against, for example, Cold Wave, obtained againstRex Raptor, kills all dinosaur type monsters). Hint: Gain doubles of your cards: Use the following trick to duplicate cards and promote weak monsters.A second memory is not required. Go to vs. duel and Duel MasterK. Make the card you want to duplicate your leader, play the DuelMaster in the default crush field. Note: Make sure you have somemonsters under 1500 ATK. Do not use any field cards. Instead,Duel Master K will at the most send out one or two monsters. Destroythese and defeat him in battle. Because he has the exact samedeck as you, he will have the same deck leader. In the slots,the deck leader will be there. Get the monster you want in theslots. The battle is easy. The longer the battle the better, asthis helps promote weak monsters. Hint: Get any card: Hint: Getting good or rare cards: Hint: Promote cards: Once you draw the card you want, move it in front of your opponent'sdeck leader and attack until you win. Keep repeating and you willeventually get it promoted. Also, move other cards around on thefield face up (not in crush) and you might get them promoted aswell. Each time they get promoted, it will take longer to raisetheir rank. Hint: Getting magic or trap cards: When you play, your opponent will not move (as he is using thesame cards). He will set out magic and will not use or move them.You can take him out whenever desired by surrounding him. Hint: Easy custom duel: Your opponent will not be able to attack your Life points directly,unless you both have Shadow Ghoul. You will still be able to summonmonsters to the field. If you have a card that you cannot affordto lose, preferably Mirror Force, or a card that you want, putit to the right of the field for safety. Hint: Move two squares at a time: Hint: Unlimited flip effects: Hint: Lower opponent's monsters attackquickly: Get a Mirror Wall and put it somewhere. Then, put a magic cardthat you do not need somewhere near it so that it will attack.Once it tries to attack, Mirror Wall will activate, cut its Attackin half, and just move on the magic card. You can also use a weakmonster in defense mode. Hint: Raise your monster's rank easily: To obtain a very powerful monster you need to have a map withToon terrain (preferably close to your summoning area) and a terrainthat favors your monsters (such as Mountain if you have the Birdfacedeck). You also need a very strong monster, lots of power-up cards,and a Greenkappa. Summon your Greenkappa and move him onto theToon terrain. Then, summon a very powerful monster on its terrain(for example, Meteor B. Dragon on Mountain), and equip your equipcards to your strong monster. After that, flip up your Greenkappaon the Toon terrain. Because of its effect, it will copy the attackof the strongest monster on the field (which should be your monster).Greenkappa will copy the attack on the Toon terrain, which shouldbe about 4500. Then, move your Greenkappa off the Toon terrainand his attack will increase by 500, making it about 5000. Ifyou now move your Greenkappa onto Grassland, his attack will increaseby another 500 points, making it 5500. You can continue to strengthenit with power ups such as Konai With Chain, but only equip cardsafter you have capped your other monster's attack. Now you havean unstoppable monster. Hint: Level up your deck leaders: First, get a monster as your deck leader. Complete both sidesof the game and have a PlayStation memory card with Yu-Gi-Oh!Forbidden Memories data in slot two and a PlayStation2 memorycard with Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists Of Roses data in slot one.You should be going again Exodia. Get three of the same monsteras your deck leader to the field. Attack all cards with the selectedmonster that you want to level up. Attack the opponent's deckleader after all cards on the other side are in the graveyard.To help you against Exodia, put in Heavy Storm, Dark Hole, WhiteHole, Royal Decree, and lots of Graverobbers, Monster Reborns,and Mimicats. Get the Fairy King Truesdale Deck. Then, put in the code for FairyKing Truesdale (YF07QVEZ). Put the Fairy King Truesdalecard in your deck. It should automatically have a rank of SecondLt. Hint: Change deck sort: Hint: Easy win: Once you have completed the White Rose and Red Rose sides, savethe game and go to 'Custom Duel' at the main menu. Onlyhave one memory card in use. Go to map edit mode. Build a mapwith all your opponents summoning squares filled with labyrinth.Start a duel. End your turn at the beginning. After your opponentends his turn, you will win. If your deck leader has a high rankand an attack under 2600, he will be in the slots. Keep repeatingand eventually you will get three in a row if your timing is correctto win special cards such as Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Toon SummonedSkull, Cannon Soldier, etc. Get a Thunder monster and a Dragon monster (good cards like KaiserDragon and Thunder Dragon recommended), then combine them to getTwin-Headed Thunder Dragon (2800/2100). Then, use Bright Castleand get it on water, sea, or anything else wet and attack. Have three Pumpkings in your deck, along with a lot of strongzombies (such as the Great Mammoth Of Golfine) and crush cards.The zombies can go through the Crush zones without getting hurt,no matter how strong they are. The Pumpking will give the zombies100 attack and defense points for every Pumpking in play at thebeginning of your turn. It helps to have other cards to make morePumpkings. Have three Slate Warriors in your deck and the Crush card alongwith a few cards that can use the Crush card. The Gust Fan isalso a useful optional power-up for Slate Warrior. Place the SlateWarriors out, but wait to flip them face up until you have allthree out, if possible. Once all three are out, flip them faceup to give each one a 1500 power bonus, making them 3400 ATK andabout 1900 DEF. Along with the Gust Fan you have 3700, not tomention the Field Power bonus. If they move onto the crush terrainthat your weaker monster made with the Crush card, it makes agrand total of 4200 ATK. Even if your opponent manages to defeatone, the enemy will be destroyed by the crush terrain. Hint: Reincarnate card: Note: Getting five wins also lets you reincarnate a card. Press L3 to reincarnate. Hint: Reincarnate more than three cardsfrom one: Hint: Repeatedly reincarnate: Before reincarnating, save the game and copy it to a second memorycard. Then, go to 'Build Deck', reincarnate, then savethe game. Go to 'Trade', then select the new cards andsend them to the second memory card. Press Start on controllertwo. No cards are required to trade for the new cards. Turn offthe PlayStation2, then turn it back on and copy the game fromthe second memory card to the first memory card. You now havenew cards, plus the reincarnate ability Repeat this process toreincarnate all cards possible and never lose one. Hint: Reincarnating high deck cost cards: Hint: Duplicating cards: Select 'End' and your opponent will surrender. Then,go to the slots and line up your deck leader and you will getit. Note: This only works with certain cards. Hint: Countering Mirror Force: Hint: Defeating Fab Lyrr: Make sure you have a Green Kappa monster in your deck (or moreif possible). Fab Lyrr will most likely start off by playing Riroku(power-up that uses half of your LP to power up his monster) anda Skull Knight or something similar with over 2000 ATK. Once thatmonster is on the field, go into the crush territory with yourleader, play the Green Kappa face down until you are in strikingrange of his leader, and attack. The Green Kappa's effect willincrease his attack to over 4000 and destroy his leader in oneshot. First, make a deck with Royal Decree, Mirror Wall, Mimecat, MagicianOf Faith, Monster Reborn, Meteor Black Dragon, Slate Warrior,Infinite Dimension, Conversion Factory, Robot Knight, Cyber Commander,Barrel Dragon, Limit Remover, Green Kappa, any terrain cards,and any other desired cards. Change the terrain in the middleof the field. Then, use Slate Warrior to make the part with thelabyrinth near the opponent's deck leader to crush terrain. Ifyou see a fusion, it is most likely a Black Meteor Dragon (3500/3000).If you see a monster with a power boost of 2000 and, for exampleforce, then duel carefully; he uses Rioku (half of the opponent'sLP to boost your own monster). Put Mirror Wall in a corner soit is harder for him to reach. Also try this power combo: BarrelDragon face up (destroys a card on the field; hopefully not yours)equipped with Conversion Factory with Cyber Commander in defensemode and Robot Knight in defense mode. Then use Limit Remover.Your Barrel Dragon should be strong enough to take on a BlackMeteor Dragon. Use Infinite Dimension for protection. If you getthese cards on field or hand: Magician Of Faith, Green Kappa,Monster Reborn, Meteor Black Dragon, Mimecat, Royal Decree, thenthe duel is over. First. revive his Red Eyes Black Dragon thenfuse it with Meteor Dragon to get your own Black Meteor Dragon.Then, activate Magician Of Faith's ability a use Rioku on yourMeteor Dragon. Next, do the same with Mimecat and your Black MeteorDragon should have a total of 6500/6000. Then use Royal Decreeto cancel any of his traps. Finally, play Green Kappa face upin attack mode and it should have the same attack as your BlackMeteor Dragon (7000/6500). Hint: Defeating Jasper Dice Tudor: Set Goblin Fan down and move it to one of your corners. When heuses Just Deserts, he will destroy himself. You can also use MagicianOf Faith and Copycat after he uses Just Deserts and play it againsthim. Hint: Defeating Labyrinth Ruler: Hint: Defeating Pegasus: Hint: Defeating Weevil: Hint: Crush territory: Zombie type monsters are allowed to go through the crush territory.They do not need to have a certain attack. Monsters like the Aqua Dragon and the Roaring Ocean Snake canengage in battle in crush spaces due to their effects. When thesecards engage in battle, they transform the space into ocean terrainwhich lets them attack monsters hiding in crush spaces. This guaranteesmajor damage because the target card must be 1500 AP or lowerto hide in a crush space (with the exception of immortal types). Use the following trick to attack monsters on crush squares. Youneed an Aqua Dragon, with equips if you need it to defeat themonster. Then, go next to the crush square and attack the monster.When you do this, Aqua Dragon's effect will transform the squareinto a water square, giving you a boost and taking a crush squareaway. It also allows you to move two spaces. This trick works very well if you have a deck that is good incrush terrain. First, you will need crush card or a card thathas an effect that turns terrain into crush (Two Dark Plants,Slate Warrior, Crush Card and Magician Of Faith recommended).Then, try to make a wall of crush infected terrain so that youropponent's strong monsters cannot advance on your deck leader.Then, move your deck leader to a location in the crush area thatis surrounded on all sides so that you can get your monsters tothe enemy deck leader faster. For example, (where 'T'is any type of terrain and 'C' is crush terrain): Note: This strategy will work well if you cover almost half ofthe field with crush. Since only monsters with less than 1500ATK (exluding imortal monsters) can enter the terrain, your opponentsstrong monsters wont be able to attack and destroy your weak monstershiding in the crush terrain. Hint: Immortal monsters: Get a Great Mammoth Of Goldfine faced up spell bound. Glitch: Face-up monsters face-down: Glitch: Barrel Dragon behavior: Glitch: Misspelling: Glitch: Wrong command: |